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W. Frank Steely Library

Course Guide: HIS 291

This guide is designed for students in HIS 291: Advanced Historical Writing

About this Guide

GEARUP Banner.  GEARUP with Information Literaty. Gather, Evaluate, Apply, Respect


This guide is designed to help students in HIS 291: Advanced Historical Writing. The information in this course guide will not only be useful for this class, and assignment, but likely throughout your time at Northern Kentucky University.  This guide specifically addresses the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify key history resources for locating primary and secondary information sources
  • Apply advanced search techniques to locate relevant information

The guide's navigation is on the left and is broken into three sections: Getting Started, Find Background Information, and Find Sources

Related Research Guides

While this guide was created for this class, we have other research guides, covering broad, and related disciplines listed here.


Please let us know what you think about this course guide.  This survey is super short.