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W. Frank Steely Library

Course Guide: ANT 100

This guide was designed for Anthropology 100 students at NKU

About this Guide

GEARUP Banner.  GEARUP with Information Literaty. Gather, Evaluate, Apply, Respect


This guide is designed for ANT 100 students. The information in this research guide will not only be useful for assignments in this class, but likely throughout your time at Northern Kentucky University. Specifically, this guide is designed to help you meet the following outcomes:

  • Compare and contrast a variety of information sources, including scholarly, anthropological research article

  • Use relevant library databases to locate anthropology sources

The guide's navigation is on the left, and is divided by sections to address the two outcomes:

  • Home
  • Read & Evaluate
  • Find Background Information
  • Find Materials

The Research Process


Please let us know what you think about this course guide.  This survey is super short.