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W. Frank Steely Library

Course Guide: ANT 100

This guide was designed for Anthropology 100 students at NKU

Types of Sources

As you research, you will encounter a variety of sources, whether you are using Google to search for information or a library database.  Since most (or all) of the sources you find and read will be on a computer screen, it becomes challenging to identify the type of source you are looking at. 

  • Is my source "scholarly"? 
  • Will this type of source meet the requirements of my assignment?
  • Is this a blog?

Often in academic research, and other contexts as well, you will be asked to consult and integrate some research sources.  This most often comes in the form of scholarly articles, published in academic journals.  Try the poll below.  Can you identify the scholarly article?

Which source(s) would you consider scholarly?
Islamic Center of Cincinnati website: 2 votes (13.33%)
News report on learning about the Muslim community: 0 votes (0%)
A blog titled Muslim girl: 0 votes (0%)
An article on Muslim identity published in a journal called Social & Cultural Geography: 8 votes (53.33%)
A report looking at the Muslim community in the U.S. published by PEW Research: 5 votes (33.33%)
Total Votes: 15

What is a scholarly source?

Analyzing Source Types
Sources Authority Peer Reviewed Scholarly Credible
Islamic Center of Cin. website A local organization providing education and worship to the community.  A source with plenty of lived experiences and a long history in the community. No No Yes
News report on learning about the Muslim community A journalist: while not likely an expert on the Muslim community or Islam, a journalist is an expert at interviewing and gathering sources to present facts and various perspectives to the public in a readable, organized fashion No No Yes
Blog: Muslim Girl It's hard to tell!  It appears various contributors write for the blog, presumably young, Muslim women No No Maybe.  Credibility depends on context, but the lack of details at the site should give you pause.
Article published in Social & Cultural Geography Two authors conducted and published this research.  Both authors are from a university Yes Yes Yes
PEW Research report PEW Research is a "nonpartisan fact tank."  The organization conducts a lot of opinion polls and demographic surveys relevant to social issues. No No Yes