New Materials List
New print materials that have been added to the library collection. Organized by call number.
New Books
Discovering the Life Span by Robert S. Feldman
Call Number: BARTLETT PSY 321 BF713 .F46 2021ISBN: 9780135710869Publication Date: 2020-01-01This print textbook is available for students to rent for their classes. The Pearson print rental program provides students with affordable access to learning materials, so they come to class ready to succeed. For courses in Lifespan Development A modular, manageable, meaningful survey of the life span Discovering the Life Span provides a broad overview of a human life, from the moment of conception through death. Utilizing a flexible, modular organization, author Robert Feldman covers the life span chronologically and focuses on physical, cognitive, and social and personality development within each stage of life. Feldman's engaging and accessible writing style makes the material meaningful to students, and prepares them to apply what they're learning about development to their personal and future professional lives. The 5th Edition more prominently highlights the impact of culture on development and places more emphasis on the application of multiple perspectives when studying development.This Chosen Pleasant Hill: Shakers of the Kentucky Bluegrass by Christian Goodwillie
Call Number: BX9768.P6 M43 2022ISBN: 9798987033401Publication Date: 2021The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, commonly called "Shakers," created a thriving community in the Kentucky Bluegrass beginning soon after 1805. Located near the high palisades over the Kentucky River in Mercer County, Pleasant Hill prospered for over a century, an example of religious devotion made manifest in a setting of architectural and agricultural beauty. Shaker life at Pleasant Hill had many facets, both spiritual and temporal. This meticulously researched and richly illustrated volume presents a fresh exploration of many aspects of life at Pleasant Hill, ranging from the site's natural setting and its historical and spiritual underpinnings, to the community's complex ethnic, racial, and gender dynamics, and its plentiful domestic economy.Social Psychology by Thomas Gilovich; Dacher Keltner; Serena Chen
Call Number: FUEGEN PSY 340 HM1033 .G52 2024ISBN: 9780393624052Publication Date: 2018-09-01An award-winning author team challenges students to think critically about the concepts, controversies, and applications of social psychology using abundant tools, both in text and online. (NEW) infographics examine important topics like social class, social media effects, and research methodology. InQuizitive online assessment reinforces fundamental concepts, and PowerPoints, test questions, and (NEW) Concept Videos, will help you create the best course materials in the shortest amount of time.Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) by Richard Heeks
Call Number: HC59.72.I55 H44 2018ISBN: 9781138101807Publication Date: 2017-11-08Mobile phones are close to ubiquitous in developing countries; Internet and broadband access are becoming commonplace. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) thus represent the fastest, broadest and deepest technical change experienced in international development. They now affect every development sector - supporting the work of hundreds of millions of farmers and micro-entrepreneurs; creating millions of ICT-based jobs; assisting healthcare workers and teachers; facilitating political change; impacting climate change; but also linked with digital inequalities and harms - with the pace of change continuously accelerating. Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) provides the first dedicated textbook to examine and explain these emerging phenomena. It will help students, practitioners, researchers and other readers understand the place of ICTs within development; the ICT-enabled changes already underway; and the key issues and interventions that engage ICT4D practice and strategy. The book has a three-part structure. The first three chapters set out the foundations of ICT4D: the core relation between ICTs and development; the underlying components needed for ICT4D to work; and best practice in implementing ICT4D. Five chapters then analyse key development goals: economic growth, poverty eradication, social development, good governance and environmental sustainability. Each chapter assesses the goal-related impact associated with ICTs and key lessons from real-world cases. The final chapter looks ahead to emerging technologies and emerging models of ICT-enabled development. The book uses extensive in-text diagrams, tables and boxed examples with chapter-end discussion and assignment questions and further reading. Supported by online activities, video links, session outlines and slides, this textbook provides the basis for undergraduate, postgraduate and online learning modules on ICT4D.In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Call Number: HV6533.K3 C3 2013ISBN: 9780812994384Publication Date: 2013-02-19Truman Capote's masterpiece, In Cold Blood, created a sensation when it was first published, serially, in The New Yorker in 1965. The intensively researched, atmospheric narrative of the lives of the Clutter family of Holcomb, Kansas, and of the two men, Richard Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward Smith, who brutally killed them on the night of November 15, 1959, is the seminal work of the "new journalism." Perry Smith is one of the great dark characters of American literature, full of contradictory emotions. "I thought he was a very nice gentleman," he says of Herb Clutter. "Soft-spoken. I thought so right up to the moment I cut his throat." Told in chapters that alternate between the Clutter household and the approach of Smith and Hickock in their black Chevrolet, then between the investigation of the case and the killers' flight, Capote's account is so detailed that the reader comes to feel almost like a participant in the events.Undoing the Grade by Jesse Stommel
Call Number: LB3060.37 .S76 2023ISBN: 9798986676425Publication Date: 2023-08-15Grades and assessment are elephants in almost every room where discussions of education are underway. While I would prefer that grades would crawl back into the hole from which they came, my goal here is not to demonize assessment altogether but to dissect it - to cut right to its jugular: Where does assessment fail? What damage can it do? What can't be assessed? Can we construct more poetic, less objective, models for assessment? In a system structured around standards and gatekeeping, when and how do we stop assessing? The word "ungrading" means raising an eyebrow at grades as a systemic practice, distinct from simply "not grading." The word is a present participle, an ongoing process, not a static set of practices. Ungrading is a systemic critique, a series of conversations we have about grades, ideally drawing students into those conversations with the goal of engaging them as full agents in their own education.This collection represents over 20 years of thinking and writing about grades. The work of ungrading is to ask questions, have hard conversations, point to the fundamental inequities of grades, push for systemic change, and to mitigate or obstruct harm that grading, and grades as a system, do to marginalized students and precarious educators. There are lots of entry points to those conversations.Psychometrics by Richard Michael Furr
Call Number: MOBERG PSY 625 BF39 .F87 2022ISBN: 9781071824078Publication Date: 2021-09-07In this fully revised Fourth Edition of Psychometrics: An Introduction, author R. Michael Furr centers his presentation around a conceptual understanding of psychometric core issues, such as scales, reliability, and validity. Focusing on purpose rather than procedure and the "why" rather than the "how to," this accessible book uses a wide variety of examples from behavioral science research so readers can see the importance of psychometric fundamentals in research. By emphasizing concepts, logic, and practical applications over mathematical proofs, this book gives students an appreciation of how measurement problems can be addressed and why it is important to address them. The book offers readers the most contemporary views of topics in psychometrics available in the nontechnical psychometric literature.Exhalation by Ted Chiang
Call Number: PS3603.H53 A6 2019ISBN: 9781101947883Publication Date: 2019-05-07This much-anticipated second collection of stories is signature Ted Chiang, full of revelatory ideas and deeply sympathetic characters. In "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate," a portal through time forces a fabric seller in ancient Baghdad to grapple with past mistakes and the temptation of second chances. In the epistolary "Exhalation," an alien scientist makes a shocking discovery with ramifications not just for his own people, but for all of reality. And in "The Lifecycle of Software Objects," a woman cares for an artificial intelligence over twenty years, elevating a faddish digital pet into what might be a true living being. Also included are two brand-new stories: "Omphalos" and "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom." In this fantastical and elegant collection, Ted Chiang wrestles with the oldest questions on earth--What is the nature of the universe? What does it mean to be human?--and ones that no one else has even imagined. And, each in its own way, the stories prove that complex and thoughtful science fiction can rise to new heights of beauty, meaning, and compassion.A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Call Number: PS3603.H347 P73 2021ISBN: 9781250236210Publication Date: 2021-07-13Winner of the Hugo Award! In A Psalm for the Wild-Built, bestselling Becky Chambers's delightful new Monk and Robot series, gives us hope for the future. It's been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; centuries since they wandered, en masse, into the wilderness, never to be seen again; centuries since they faded into myth and urban legend. One day, the life of a tea monk is upended by the arrival of a robot, there to honor the old promise of checking in. The robot cannot go back until the question of "what do people need?" is answered. But the answer to that question depends on who you ask, and how. They're going to need to ask it a lot. Becky Chambers's new series asks: in a world where people have what they want, does having more matter?The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn; Ian Hacking (Introduction by)
Call Number: Q175 .K95 2012ISBN: 9780226458113Publication Date: 2012-04-30A good book may have the power to change the way we see the world, but a great book actually becomes part of our daily consciousness, pervading our thinking to the point that we take it for granted, and we forget how provocative and challenging its ideas once were--and still are. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is that kind of book. When it was first published in 1962, it was a landmark event in the history and philosophy of science. Fifty years later, it still has many lessons to teach. With The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn challenged long-standing linear notions of scientific progress, arguing that transformative ideas don't arise from the day-to-day, gradual process of experimentation and data accumulation but that the revolutions in science, those breakthrough moments that disrupt accepted thinking and offer unanticipated ideas, occur outside of "normal science," as he called it. Though Kuhn was writing when physics ruled the sciences, his ideas on how scientific revolutions bring order to the anomalies that amass over time in research experiments are still instructive in our biotech age. This new edition of Kuhn's essential work in the history of science includes an insightful introduction by Ian Hacking, which clarifies terms popularized by Kuhn, including paradigm and incommensurability, and applies Kuhn's ideas to the science of today. Usefully keyed to the separate sections of the book, Hacking's introduction provides important background information as well as a contemporary context. Newly designed, with an expanded index, this edition will be eagerly welcomed by the next generation of readers seeking to understand the history of our perspectives on science.I'm Here by Engel
Call Number: R118 .E53 2010ISBN: 9780972000024Publication Date: 2010-01-01Human interaction between patient and caregiver is the essential foundation of healing. This inspiring personal narrative from the patient's perspective, filled with practical advice and packed with humor, encourages heath care professionals to practice compassionate communication in all its forms.Computer Security by Wenliang Du
Call Number: SADAT CSC 482 QA76.9.A25 D81 2022ISBN: 9781733003957Publication Date: 2022-05-01Unique among computer security texts, this book, in its third edition, builds on the author's long tradition of teaching complex subjects through a hands-on approach. For each security principle, the book uses a series of hands-on activities to help explain the principle. Readers can "touch", play with, and experiment with the principle, instead of just reading about it. The hands-on activities are based on the author's widely adopted SEED Labs, which have been used by over 1000 institutes worldwide. The author has also published online courses on Udemy based on this book. Topics covered in the book include the following: Software vulnerabilities, attacks, and countermeasures; Attacks on web applications, countermeasures; Attacks on hardware: Meltdown and Spectre attacks; Cryptography and attacks on algorithms and protocols; Public Key Infrastructure (PKI); Common hacking and defense techniques.The World's Wisdom by Philip Novak
Call Number: THOMAS REL 200 BL70 .N68 1994ISBN: 9780060663414Publication Date: 1994-06-01With recent significant advances having been made in computer-aided methods to support qualitative data analysis, a whole new range of methodological questions arises: Will the software employed `take over' the analysis? Can computers be used to improve reliability and validity? Can computers make the research process more transparent and ensure a more systematic analysis? This book examines the central methodological and theoretical issues involved in using computers in qualitative research. International experts in the field discuss various strategies for computer-assisted qualitative analysis, outlining strategies for building theories by employing networks of categories and means of evaluating hypotheses generated fromThe World's Religions by Huston Smith
Call Number: THOMAS REL 200 BL80.3 .S65 2009ISBN: 9780061660184Publication Date: 2009-05-12Huston Smith's masterpiece explores the essential elements and teachings of the world's predominant faiths, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the native traditions of Australia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Emphasizing the inner--rather than the institutional--dimension of these religions, Smith devotes special attention to Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, and the teachings of Jesus.He convincingly conveys the unique appeal and gifts of each of the traditions and reveals their hold on the human heart and imagination.The Complete Guide to Institutional Repositories by Stephen Craig Finlay (Editor)
Call Number: ZA4081.86 .C66 2021ISBN: 9780838948101Publication Date: 2020-11-23The Institutional Repository (IR) has become standard to the academic library in the past decade. In fact, some 5,000 are listed in open access directories. However, IR operations are anything but standard. You are not alone in your challenges, whether it's discovery of born-digital content or policies for deposit and withdrawal. This resource gathers expertise to offer a comprehensive guide on contemporary institutional repository management. Readers will sharpen their understanding of such key IR topics as managing complexity task-by-task using a detailed breakdown of IR projects; six crucial elements every deposit policy should address; using the SHERPA RoMEO database to quickly locate publisher policies; policy development, community outreach, and open source software testing, illuminated through case studies; metadata basics for the non-cataloger; authority control for electronic theses, dissertations, and grey literature; workflow suggestions for small and mid-sized institutions; showcasing undergraduates' work with student peer-reviewed journals, photography, or theater performances; promoting faculty engagement with awards and recognition; and copyright fundamentals all staff who interact with the IR should know.
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